

Department of Social Work in association with Kannur District Kudumbasree Mission organizes a Webinar "Samabhavanayude Sthreepaksha Keralam" on 01-08-2021

Dance Club for the academic year 2021-22 will be inaugurated on 02-08-2021

Debate club for the year 2021-22 will be inaugurated on 02-08-2021

Photography Club organises Photography Contest/ videography Contest/Editing Contest on 31-07-2021

Department of Hindi Organizes a Quiz Competition "PREMCHAND QUIZ 2021" on the occasion of Premchand Jayanthi on 31 July 2021.

Don Bosco Arts & Science College Angadikadavu NSS units 47 & 72 organises a Webinar on the topic " TRANSGENDER AND THE SOCIETY" on 29-07-2021

Yoga Club for the academic year 2021-22 will be inaugurated on 29-07-2021

Don Bosco Arts & Science College Nature Club in association with NSS, Department of Social Work and IQAC Celebrate World Nature Conservation Day " Oikos -21" on 28-07-2021

Remembering the legendary Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw on his 165th birthday (26 July 1856), English Literature Club in association with IQAC presents a portrait Art Fest "HOW WELL CAN YOU DRAW A PERFECT SHAW?" Last date to send the portrait: 30 July 2021

Department of Computer Application conducting a "SEMINAR COMPETITION" from 26-07-2021 to 29-07-2021

NSS units 47 & 72 is celebrating Commemoration Day of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on 27 July 2021 by Felicitating Iritty Municipality Cleaning Workers

Department of Journalism in association with IQAC organizes "RJ HUNT" for those students who completed final year degree examinations this year. Record a two minute RJ talk on the given topic"WHAT WILL OTHERS THINK" and send your audio to [email protected] on or before 26 July 2021. The selected twenty five students will be participating in the second round and ten contestants from the second round will be participating in the final round.

Gender sensitization campaign: The Department of women and child development, Kannur is conducting an awareness campaign on the importance of creating a gender sensitive society. The primary concern of this is to address the prevailing crisis of gender inequality and to empower womanhood. The topics "Gender relationship" and "Gender and Law" will be dealt in the webinar. The Department of Social Work and the NSS unit of Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Angadikkadavu will be jointly coordinating the session. The two hour session will begin at 10am on 20 th July 2021. Kindly be a part of this awareness campaign to be better fighters against gender injustice and discrimination.

The Department of Social Work in Association with IQAC organizes a Webinar " HELP DESK" on 17 July 2021 to address the problems faced by the students who seek higher education.

The Department of Mathematics in association with IQAC organizes webinar on the topic "A Geometric approach to Topology" on 21st July 2021.